Ernst: Legislature considers adopting trap/neuter/return as statewide tactic to control feral cats |

Abandoned Cat

Abandoned Cat (Photo credit: Animals Abused & Abandoned)

Every day, irresponsible people decide they no longer want that kitten (now a cat) that looked so cute when they bought it for their child’s birthday.

So they get in the car, drive to a place where they’ve seen cats congregating — maybe a farm, or a restaurant, or a vacant lot in another neighborhood — and they dump their responsibility on someone else.

As we all know, the world has plenty of stupid, callous human beings, so now it’s also full of wild-roaming cats. There is a solution, at least a partial one. We could round them up, neuter them and return them to where they were found.

via Ernst: Legislature considers adopting trap/neuter/return as statewide tactic to control feral cats |

I agree that irresponsible people are likely to dump cats they no longer want to take care of in places where they see other cats. Here’s the thing. They’re going to dump them regardless, so it is actually better if they dump them where cats are being fed and given care than just alone somewhere.

Alley Cat Colony

Alley Cat Colony (Photo credit: elh70)

For humans the problem is much more complex. Education alone will not change the behavior of people. They have to have an internal commitment before they will act. The issue is even more complex given the amount of flawed research that has been trotted out recently. A recent study shows that 90% of people will believe any statement that begins with “A recent study shows”. Also, 85% of all statistics are made up! So make sure the research you pay attention to is referenced with source information, is not sponsored by those who would most benefit from conclusions, does not rely on weak methodology, does not base its hypothesis on outdated or otherwise flawed research.